Recently, Ministry of land, infrastructure, transport and tourism has announced that it will provide a new measurement to ban any passengers who carry a knife onto the train to prevent any assault to other passengers or train's properties.
Several months ago, there was an incident when a passenger on shinkansen who carry a knife and suddenly attacked other passengers in the train which eventually caused 2 passengers injured and 1 died during the attack.
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has announced that due to the incident of passenger who carried a knife and assault other passengers which led 2 passengers injured and 1 died, so from next fiscal year (1 April 2019) every Japanese railway companies will launch a regulation of banning any passengers who carry a knife on board the train or force the passengers to cover up all knife completely to ensure the safety of other passengers.
The new regulation will empower the railway officer to abort any passengers who carry a knife or acting suspicious when carrying a knife. Although this regulation will not force the railway companies to check every passengers baggage but the exact measurement still unclear.
Recently ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has added list of dangerous items not allowed on board the train but after the incident of assault on shinkansen, some tools or items such as knife axe chainsaw and even scissor will be listed as a dangerous items as well. While the explosives and flammable materials are already banned.
After the assault, JR train company said that it has increased patrol guard on board more often and also gave intense training to train conductors and on board staffs about how to deal with the any situation involving an assault or causing damage to company's properties.
While training is in progress, JR also stated that now the security cameras are installed more in every train owned by the company to provide more safety to passengers.
Notice : In japan, a person can carry a knife that is less than 6 centimeters but once this regulation is in effective, one must wrap the knife properly and carry it in a luggage or rucksack and Japan's polices have the right to search any suspicious person.
Original source from thejakartapost and Kyodonews
Photo cover from japantoday, pictures from minut and ctvnews